Making a Difference
Since its inception, MASA Assist has been a pioneer in the emergency transportation industry, now offering an incredibly comprehensive portfolio of care (and peace of mind) to our members for about $1 a day. It didn’t take long to realize we could help more people by offering MASA Assist to groups, in addition to individuals. These groups would get an amazing new benefit for their members, as well as a weekly royalty payment they can put toward forwarding their mission.
Today, MASA Assist is working with some of the most high profile associations and entities in the country, including:
MASA Assist for Insurance Agents
MASA Assist is not insurance, but it is a product that every insurance agent should carry. As the first and finest emergency medical transportation provider in the world, we protect our million-plus members from significant financial loss as a result of a medical emergency 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We save lives, too. All for about $1 a day.
In other words, this is the perfect add-on. The service is excellent, the value is obvious and the cost is low. You’ll be able to earn residual income that will make a real difference in your bottom line, all while making a big difference in your clients’ lives.
You are not required to have an insurance license to sell MASA Assist, except in Florida, and you can set up sales associates under your own commission schedule. We even provide a host of marketing materials, full support, commission reporting, weekly commission checks and an easy membership application process.